The objective of the Central Baldwin Education Foundation is to enhance, enrich, and support the educational experience of all public school students in the Central Baldwin area by providing support and the resources to help supplement educational programs and activities.
Joe Driver Memorial Crawdown
Join us for the Joe Driver Memorial Crawdown (crawfish boil & drawdown). As most know our Treasurer, Joe Driver, passed away in September of 2021. He was a devoted husband & father as well as a big advocate for CBEF and education in the Central Baldwin area. Joe had only been on the board for 2 short years but the impact he made in that time was tremendous. We were discussing spring fundraisers. He had the idea of hosting a drawdown. He was the driving force behind this event. What better way to keep his memory alive than to continue with his idea and name the event after him? All the money raised from this event will go towards helping CBEF continue to give teacher grants, and scholarships amongst other things. Last year, we added a new scholarship, The Joe Driver Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving Robertsdale High School Senior.